Effectively manage employee time with an integrated digital system

Clock in and out seamlessly – minimise errors and administrative work, access historical shift data for improved task tracking, saving time and ensuring accuracy.

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Accurate timesheet management

Our timesheet seamlessly syncs with the scheduling system. Supervisors clock in and out, whilst breaks are managed effortlessly. Changes are reflected instantly, keeping schedules accurate and teams well-coordinated

Reduced errors and administration

Digital timesheets ensure accuracy, eliminating errors and unnecessary admin work. Track tasks in real-time with live timesheets for a complete view of task allocation, past shifts, and comments.

Shift information when needed

Immediately access historical shift information giving visibility on who previously has worked on a task and any comments on previous shifts.

Streamline your financial operations

Efficiently manage your operations by easily tracking employees' time and easily integrating cost-coding functionality to simplify payroll and invoicing.

Key features

Simple clocking in and out for tasks and shifts 

Easily clock paid and unpaid breaks 

Live digital timesheets and notifications 

Accurate time recording and tracking  

Compliance-friendly time management 

Task-by-task time monitoring 

Generate invoice data with built-in cost-coding 

Seamless payroll data exports 

Book a demo

  • Ensemble Analytics provide workforce management solutions for the maritime sector. Our modular platform includes timesheets, an employee app, skills management and workforce scheduling.

  • We solve the workforce management problem for those who believe their operations are too unique for standard workforce management solutions. We are focused on solving the issues within the maritime sector and use our deep industry knowledge to solve the problems that horizontal software providers don’t.

  • Ensemble Analytics is priced dependant on which modules are required, the number of employees and the number of different rotas. Want to find out more, get in touch here.

  • Whatever you want, and nothing more. Ensemble Analytics is modular, enabling you to choose the parts of the software you require, meaning you only pay for what you use.